
Located at an altitude of about 1600 m above sea level, Situ Patenggang panorama alluring. Green carpet of tea gardens around it like a carpet of nature, coupled with the cool and clean air and warm sun, giving the impression of peace and tranquility itself for visitors.

Lake Patenggang or better known as Situ Patenggang by local communities, occupying an area of 150 Ha. Formerly this area is the area of nature reserves or national parks, but in 1981 has been officially transformed into a tourist park.

Kawah Putih Lake (White Carter Lake)

Bandung District Region has many resorts which offer beautiful scenery and interesting legends. One is the District Ciwidey located in the south of Bandung regency. In this area there is an interesting tourist attraction is Crater White.

White crater is a crater lake of Mount Patuha with a height of 2434 meters above sea level with temperatures between 8-22 ° C. At the top there's Patuha Crater Currently, when the mean low tide in Bahasa Sunda, which is in the west and beneath White crater with a height of 2194 meters above sea level. Both craters were formed by the eruption that occurred at about X and XII centuries ago. White crater is located about 46 km from the city of Bandung or 35 km from the capital, Bandung regency, Soreang, toward Ciwidey.

Mt. Tangkuban Perahu

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

Mt. Tangkuban Perahu

A. Overview

Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one of the volcanoes found in West Java. Tangkuban Perahu mountain is called because shaped like an inverted boat. The word "Tangkuban" (Sundanese) is inverted. Mount which has a height of approximately 2084 meters above sea level has a wide range of forest areas, namely Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane forest, and jungle Ericaceous.

Saung Angklung Udjo

Udjo Ngalagena 
Born from a simple family who are very concern on the issue the child and family education, with the name Udjo. His father was a distinguished Mas Wiranta clever sundanese song / mamaos presumably play a huge role will interest Udjothe Sundanese arts. Introduction to music angklung starting age of 4 years. Environmental Udjo case while it was still thick with the Sundanese culture, angklung often used as an introduction ceremony procession of rice, the event manufacture of bridges, circumcision, and others. At that time, traditional arts in generally associated with the interests of the community supporters. Interests This is a communal ritual, usually associated with fertility rites and ceremonies initiation. The ceremonies associated with fertility such as: Mapag Sri, ngareureus pare / down binih, ngidepkeun, clean village, and initiation rites such as: Marhaban, circumcision, Ruwatan.